Does everything have to be a video these days?

Often, on my Facebook feed, I’ll see that my friends post links that look interesting, and I’ll click them only to find to my dismay that they’re links to videos.

Does everything have to be a video these days? They’re annoying, they take a long time consume, especially because many of them make me watch 15 second ads before the actual video starts.  I’d rather that there just be text that I can skim to gather the punch line.

Is there a great trend that bothers me here? Is my rant really about how society is becoming less literate? No, it’s actually the opposite. I generally check Facebook on my laptop while I’m watching TV, and I don’t want to have to pause the video every time my show starts up again. I am really lazy, and all I want to do is get the gist of the story in the most economical way possible so I can repeat it in front of a group of people who hasn’t seen it to appear smart and/or funny.

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One thought on “Does everything have to be a video these days?

  1. Jeet says:

    Videos are awesome! Especially shaky ones.

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